Posts in Science
The Psychedelic Renaissance Is Back Again & It Could Revolutionize How We Treat Mental Health

The revival of psychedelic medicine and its profoundly therapeutic implications in treating mental illness has been recently bolstered by some astonishing preliminary research. Headlines, such as the FDA “fast-tracking” psilocybin treatment for depression and declaring it a “groundbreaking” therapy” are certainly hard to miss [1,2]. Still, in the past such tenuous excitement has often been met with….

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Benefits & Limitations of Mindfulness Meditation For Anxiety & Depression, According to Science

The magnitude of people across the globe affected by mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression, is astonishing. Unfortunately, the overall efficacy (or lack thereof) of standard treatments is somewhat depressing in and of itself. As such, the need for new or complementary therapies that are at least as effective, if not more, is pressing. In recent years,….

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Baloney Detection Kit

In the news we often hear stories of ‘scientific studies’ which make claims such as: ‘the most addictive food is pizza’, or ‘the MMR vaccine causes Autism’ [1,2].  Those same news outlets will also report on studies that have found new evidence of climate change, or the effects of cannabis on opioid deaths [3]. Often, the same studies are discussed on multiple news outlets regardless of….

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The Scientific Method

The scientific method is a process implemented in experimentation that is used to answer questions surrounding an observation. However, this is a loose definition as scientists often will modify this process when direct experimentation is not available. For example, scientists studying climate change over large time periods cannot fast-forward time to….

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